Our Story & The Founder, Courtney
Hi babe! I'm Courtney! I'm so happy you're here. If you want to get to know me & the story behind Moody Mound, you've found the right page. It's a little long, but you'll really get to know me & the brand ;)
I am licensed esthetician in the state of Wyoming, where I grew up on a cattle ranch. From a young age, my parents always encouraged me to work hard and be an independent woman. Well, that's exactly what they got.
How the journey to Moody Mound begun...
It was a random Wednesday night, one of my best friends and I were watching The Bachelorette, and drinking wine. At the time, I was teaching middle and high school students, she was a full-time stay at home mama. Next thing I knew, I was in her bathroom with a trash bag around my shoulders while she cut my hair with some kitchen scissors. It was in that moment we both decided to change our lives. We (drunkenly) signed up for a tour of the local Cosmetology program and met with the director the next week. I gave the high school my resignation letter and we started school that fall together.
The year of 2020... ugh. I graduated that spring, passed state boards, and dove into working. Luckily, Wyoming didn't close down like a lot of other states, so I was able to start working in the salon right away, with restrictions of course. I primarily wanted to do body waxing in my little rental space, but because of the C word in 2020, I never got to practice in school. I jumped to the internet and with forced volunteering of some friends, I started brazilian waxing and never looked back.
When I started waxing, I found that other women were also having the same issues I had; ingrown hair, dry/brittle hair, and razor burn where they shaved. I wasn't aware of any aftercare at that point in time, but I wanted to help my clients who were struggling with these skin irritations. For most women, ingrown hair can be very painful & be the reason they decided to not put the bikini on.
My clients and I tested a few products that were on the market and I just wasn't satisfied with the results. It didn't seem to really be helping my women. I was talking with a friend about how to grow as a business (mostly the salon) and product formulation was brought up. It sent my brain into a spiral of the possibilities of being able to help my clientele.
Fast forward to spring of 2021, I started researching, watching videos, and joined formulator & chemist pages on Facebook. I knew exactly what I wanted for my clientele, so I ordered product and started formulations. It took me about 3 months of trial and error to find out how to get the perfect consistency. I started with a few clients I knew suffered from painful ingrown hair, hyperpigmentation, and razor burn and had them testing the product. I also introduced our hero product, the Notorious V.A.G Oil, in my treatment room and my clients absolutely loved it. There was no turning back for us.
Fall of 2021 was our first "launch" and I primarily sold locally. The product was flying off the shelves and I couldn't keep it in stock, thanks to all my beautiful clients that believed in me and the Moody Mound brand. As we grew, I knew I wanted more women to have access to these aftercare products because of the results MY clients had been seeing.
Summer of 2022 we officially launched online and have been steadily growing since then. Thank you, from the bottom of my moody little heart.
Our mission is that women don't have to be embarrassed of ingrown hair, razor burn, or hyperpigmentation. Having these skin irritations is absolutely normal and doesn't make you any less beautiful or worthy of living life on YOUR terms. Skin can be moody, but #It'sOkayToBeMoody. Can Moody Mound help the pain and appearance of these irritants? Absolutely. Do you need to not wear the bikini because of them? Hell no. Live the life you want without second-guessing throwing your hands up to your favorite band at the concert, going on a last minute beach trip with your best friends, or spending the day with your family at the waterpark. Life is too short to not live it.
We hope you realize how beautiful and badass you are. We encourage you to live your life on your own terms & throw the negativity around skin irritations out the window. We're here to be iconic, and iconic women don't fall to societal pressure, we throat punch that bitch instead.
Shop my absolute favorite oil, here.
Your Mounds Best Friend,